A charge of assault can involve anything from threatening physical harm to causing actual injury. If you have been charged with an assault related offense, a skilled criminal defense attorney can help you mount a strong and credible defense.
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A charge of assault can involve anything from threatening physical harm to causing actual injury. If you have been charged with an assault related offense, a skilled criminal defense attorney can help you mount a strong and credible defense.
An accusation of violence involving a family or household member can result in wide-ranging consequences. Cases require a sensitive assessment of the facts and circumstances while exploring all practical avenues to resolve these serious charges.
In Ohio, the consequences of even minor drug infractions can be severe including incarceration, loss of driving privileges and loss of federal student financial aid. Marein & Bradley have the experience and resources to protect your legal interests.
If you have been indicted by a federal court or are currently under investigation by a federal law enforcement agency, you require quality legal representation. We have extensive experience vigorously defending a broad array of federal criminal offenses.
Homicide-related offenses are among the most serious offenses that can have life- altering consequences. An aggressive and experienced defense team is an absolute necessity in these most serious situations. With your life and freedom on the line, you can trust us to protect your interests.
Criminal offenses of a sexual nature carry potentially harsh and wide-ranging consequences including incarceration and sex offender registration as well as the stigma associated with being labeled as a convicted sex offender. We can mount a strong and aggressive defense on your behalf.
Theft crimes in Ohio, such as shoplifting, forgery or auto theft can range in severity from misdemeanor to felony offenses. Convictions for theft-related offenses can have devastating consequences to future employment and professional licenses as well as
your reputation.
White collar offenses typically arise out of a business, corporate or political setting. Whether fighting accusations of embezzlement, fraud, tax evasion or other white collar offenses, Marein and Bradley have the skill, experience and commitment to tirelessly defend your interests.